Morning Docket: 02.01.18
The American Bar Association needs some new blood! A new report from Law School Transparency and the Iowa State Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Division recommends adding some younger members to the ABA's Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar. [Law.com] Partisan gerrymandering challenges may be making their way through the court system, but don't expect them to be a deciding factor in the midterm elections. [Big Law Business] It's never a great start to a trial when the judge has to explain the case isn't about whether your client is "evil." [Law360] Another day, another looming "constitutional crisis." [Washington Post] Everyone is out at USA Gymnastics. It is the absolute least they could do. [CNN] Stephen Cutler may be moving from JPMorgan Chase to Simpson Thatcher, but he says his practice will still focus on internal and government investigations, corporate governance matters and crisis management. [Law.com] Hank Greenberg of Greenberg Traurig is the president-elect designee of the New York State Bar Association. [New York Law Journal]